Wednesday, May 31, 2023


 Tribute to the Turkana Freedom Fighters.

Madaraka Day; is a day in Kenya celebrated 1st June every year to commemorate the day when Kenya attained 'MADARAKA' – [internal self-governance or self-rule] from the British Colonial Government in 1963. It all started in 1895 when the East African Protectorate was established. This encouraged European settlers to invade native African lands forcing the natives out of the fertile highlands of the country.


They imposed their unjust, discriminatory legal system on us against our own native customary law. They imposed their English administration, which undermined African political organization. In Kenya, it was not until the 1950s when the Mau Mau started to feel the brunt of colonial rule and commenced armed struggle against the British administration.

The Turkana resistance to the British rule began from the onset of the British invasion and settlement in Turkana in 1902, when the eastern province of Uganda which comprised Southern Turkana [all the areas of the present day Turkana County, lying south and east of river Turkwel-Suam] was transferred to Kenya Colony. For (us) the Turkana, it was not about, displacement from the native lands alone; we began by refusing to recognize (my emphasis) the British administration, forced payment of hut taxes [Turkana considered this as raids by Europeans], criminalization of retaliatory raids, and protection of the neighboring groups, which had already surrendered to the British therefore considered loyal to their administration etc. Led by our diviners and war veterans, namely; General Ebei, General Nadima Naupwal Arengan, General Lobwin Asenengimoe, General Kolitieng, General Adiriwolem, Gen. Echanakn Ebei’s Brother, Katodi. Losinyenimoe, General Nasura, and their lieutenants, we (Turkana) began putting stubborn resistance against the British rule; we faced them militarily; we went for the collaborators and started eliminating them. 

The killing of British collaborators in central Kenya and other parts of the country began sometime after 1950s. In Turkana, for the record, it began in 1926, when the news of the death of Kokoi and Akales in the hands of the British in Eldoret spread across Turkanaland stirring conflict between the Turkana and British collaborators – chiefs. Mr Loburmoe a former military leader of ngikamatak territorial section who later became an assistant chief of Akales was accused of the arrest and deaths of Kokoi and Akales.

Harbored resentments against the British flared-up with spearing of Loburmoe and Mr. Ngisekona another un-popular chief of Ngikamatak to avenge the death of Kokoi and Akales. Chief Chaki of ngisetou territorial section accused of high-handedness and brutality against his people was also killed by Lotukomoe to retaliate the death of Kokoi and to refresh uprising against the British. This resistance was by the ngiruru generation fighting force most of whom were obliterated by the Marile during ejiemodok – the battle of Kaalam. The Ngiruru, an indispensable military force of the Turkana, drew its members from various parts of Turkana under the leadership of Generals Ebei and Nathura. Parts of this standing army were designated by the names of their Generals; those under Ebei were referred as Ngika a Ebei and those under Nasura were known as Ngika a Nasura.

After Ngiruru, another traditional army called ngingoroko led by those of Etengan Nawoto, Manite Lowosa, Etengan Lemuya (Lokwaalinga), Aputir Lopirikol, Korobe Lomulen, etc., started taking shape and by 1950, it was terrorizing the British and the neighborhoods that were under protection of the colonialists. Ngingoroko intensified military activities and conquest of the neighboring groups and contributed to territorial integrity of the northern region of Kenya in general, and Turkana County in particular.

Notable among these uncelebrated heroes both living-dead and the living include, General Lowoton lo a Moitan lo kolong aremi eteere a lopei, General Lokwaarasimoe lo a Ikimat (Kalimapus), Lobeerei, Etopongole, Ekipwor lo a Eleya (Abilingimoe), Kapoko lo a Ekoel a lo a Naangok, Ekeno Lolup’kongu, Lokorio, Nanyangakipi lo a Eyanae – Lokodetemoe, General Eipa Choro – Loriokotomoe, General Ewoton – Loupwalimoe, etc. This list is endless, you can add heroes from your territorial sections so that, we update our list of heroes.

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  Tribute to the Turkana Freedom Fighters. Madaraka Day; is a day in Kenya celebrated 1st June every year to commemorate the day when Kenya ...